The Differences and Similiarities of The Journals on Improving Reading Skills with Children’s Books through Metacognitive Strategy : The Turkish Context
And Developing Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill through Reciprocal Teaching Strategy

Sometime ago i had reviewed two journals with different tittles but with the same topic that is reading. Now i will discuss the differences and similiarities of the two journals that i have reviewed the tittle of First journal is Improving Reading Skills with Children’s Books through Metacognitive Strategy : The Turkish Context
And Second journal is Developing Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill through Reciprocal Teaching Strategy.
Differences From the Arrangement :
Journal 1
·         Abstract
·         Introduction
·         Method
·         Result
·         Discussion
Journal 2
·         Abstract
·         Introduction
·         Theoritical Frameworks
·         Method
·         Result and Discussion
·         Conlusion
In the contents of the journal there is no literature review  direct to the method in the second journal there is a literature review or here called theoritical frameworks.
Differences From the Content :
Journal 1
·         The first journal subject was Secondary School
·         Writing of Result and Discussion is written separately
·         The first journal don’t have conclusion
Journal 2
·         The second journal subject was Senior High School
·         The second journal have conclusion
In addition, from the two journals it must have a different method because it was done by researchers or different people who wrote the journal.
Similiarities :
·         This study both uses A quasi – experimental design with a pre-test and post test.

I don’t find other similiarities maybe that just the similiarities. It can be concluded that every scientific work such as a journal will have differences eventhough on the same topic and ofcourse sometimes have similiarities like the journals we have discussed together using the same method.

I think that’s enough of our discussion this time thank you for visiting and reading, see you.
