Visiting a blog

Visiting a blog is a matter of course. When we are looking for something on Google, we will visit the blog sometimes... So yesterday I visited 5 blogs and I will discuss what I have read from the 5 blogs .

1. The first blog I visited was about reviewing a book entitled Tuesday with morrie : An old man, a young man and life greatest. On the blog review chapter 3 and 4.. In chapter 3 tells One day Mitch promised Morrie he would graduate from college but Mitch had not graduated.He had lost contact with his friends in college and continued to hold on to his grades. Mitch really admired his uncle. His uncle has died of pancreatic cancer. Mitch watched his uncle until his uncle died and he felt helpless. Until his life followed in the footsteps of his uncle by working hard and leaving his dream of becoming a pianist. When his uncle asked the mitch, would he watch his children after his uncle died. Mitch told his uncle not to talk about it. Only a few weeks, his uncle died and changed his mind that his life was very valuable with financial success. 2. The second blog I was visited about Review: The Elements of Style (1920) by William Strunk, Jr. — Part 2  on the blog review chapter 3 tells After knowing the elementary rules of usage in previous chapter (chapter II), this chapter contains the elementary principles of composition. This chapter tell us how to make a paragraph; one paragraph to each topic, so you can give a brief explanation about the topic in a single paragraph. It is also advisable to divide your topic into subdivision if the topic is quite complicated. To aid the reader, it is recommended to start a paragraph with topic sentence and end it in conformity with the beginning. The topic sentence comes at or near the beginning; and the following sentence explain or develop the statement; and the final sentence either  emphasizes or states some important detail. This chapter also covers the usage of active voice. The usage of active voice is usually more direct and vigorous than the passive. After telling the usage of active voice, this chapter also tell us to put statements in positive form to make our statements more definite. A good paragraph should use  a definite, specific and concrete language as well as omit needless words. Last but not least, avoid a succession of loose sentences, keep related words together and place the emphatic words of a sentence at the end.
3. The third blog I was visited book review abot how to talk Chapter 3 and 4.
Chapter 3: Alternatives to Punishment As you began to use some of the skills for engaging cooperation, did you find that it took thought and self-control not to say some of the things you usually say? For many of us sarcasm, lectures, warnings, name-calling, and threats were all woven into the language we heard as we were growing up. It isn’t easy to give up the familiar. Parents have often told us how upset they were because, even after attending a session, they’d still find themselves saying things to their children they didn’t like. The only difference was that now they heard themselves. Actually hearing yourself represents progress. It’s the first step toward making changes. Then there were the times when I’d say all the “right things” and nothing seemed to work. The kids would either ignore me or—even worse—defy me. When that happened, there was only one thing I wanted to do—PUNISH THEM! In order to understand more deeply what happens between people when one person punishes another, please read the next two scenes and answer the questions that follow them. Chapter 4 : Encouraging Autonomy

Most of the books on child-rearing tell us that one of our most important goals as parents is to help our children separate from us, to help them become independent individuals who will one day be able to function on their own without us. We’re urged not to think of our children as little carbon copies of us or as extensions of ourselves but as unique human beings with different temperaments, different tastes, different feelings, different desires, different dreams.Yet how are we to help them become separate, independent persons? By allowing them to do things for themselves, by permitting them to wrestle with their own problems, by letting them learn from their own mistakes.
Easier said than done. I can still remember my first child struggling to tie his shoelaces and me watching patiently for about ten seconds and then bending down to do it for him.
To Encourage Autonomy
  1. Let children make choices.
  2. Show respect for a child’s struggle.
  3. Don’t ask too many questions.
  4. Don’t rush to answer questions.
  5. Encourage children to use sources outside the home.
  6. Don’t take away hope
4. The fourth blog I visited was about reviewing a book entitled Book Review : Lord of The Flie by William Goulding) chapter 4,5,6. Chapter 4 "Painted Faces and Long Hair"
Golding begins the chapter by describing a sense of order among the boys on the island, and he concludes it by describing the order's disintegration. Chapter 5 "Beast From Water" The weight of leadership becomes oppressive for Ralph as the story continues; he is dutiful and dedicated, but his attempts to instill order and calm among the boys are decreasingly successful. Chapter 6 "Beast From Air" Chapter Six also confirms the increasing tension between Jack and Ralph, whose opposing ideas of social organization resurface. While he despises Piggy, Jack's most threatening enemy is Ralph, who insists on rules and self-discipline over wild adventures and hunting.
5. The fifth blog I visited was about reviewing a book entitled "Sometimes you win, sometime you lose By Jhon C. Maxwell Chapter 5,6,7 in this book review explains various motivations
well that's some of the blogs that I visited yesterday all about review books and all the reviews are very interesting in my opinion by reading the review I can find out the contents in the book even though there are only a few parts but at least know the description of the book.
