Review International Journal on Developing
Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill through Reciprocal
Teaching Strategy

As a student, reading scientific journals is a mandatory thing to do. Reading a research journal not only adds to our insight but also increases the ability to analyze problems related to research. On my blog i also reviewed the journal international about improving reading and this time i will review with different tittle but same disccusion yes that is about reading skill. So just go ahead to discuss →
Parts in international journals there are :
1.      Tittle
2.      Abstract
3.      Introduction
4.      Theoritical frameworks
5.      Method
6.      Result and Discussion
7.      Concluson
8.      Reference
Part 1 : Tittle
The tittle usually contains what will be discussed in the journal.
Part 2 : Abstrac
Abstract is a summary of the contents of a scientific paper aimed at helping a reader to be able to easily and quickly to see the purpose of writing.
Part 3 : Introduction
Introduction is the first chapter of the paper that leads the reader to be able to answer the question being studied. For what and why the research was conducted. In this journal the introduction explain about proccesses reading by which the meaning of written text is understood (Richard & Schmidt 2010 p.483). Reading comprehension is the process of extracting and constructing meaning together through interaction and involvement with written language (Snow, 2002, p. 11). Reading is still the most important skill as general language ability’s assessments are created, it is arguably the most essential skill to get success in all educational contexts (Brown, 2004, p. 185). Not only about proccess reading the introduction also explain a strategy of reading that is A strategy is the purposeful actions used before, during, or after reading a text to improve reading comprehension. Comprehension strategies help readers to improve understanding, overcome difficulties, and counterbalance knowledge related to the text. In order to be able to use reading strategies effectively, teacher should help students learn to use comprehension strategies independently by releasing responsibility little by little. According to the title in the introducton also explains about reciprocal teaching strategy that is According to Palincsar and Brown (1984, p. 124), reciprocal teaching is “a procedure where teacher and student take turns leading a dialogue concerning sections of a text”. The steps of reciprocal teaching strategy are predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing. Reciprocal teaching strategy can improve the quality of summarizing, questioning, clarifying, improve standardized comprehension scores, etc. (Palincsar and Brown, 1984, p. 117).

Well that’s the contents of the introduction, thankyou for reading. For the next discussion wait on the next blog.
