Review International Journals on Developing
Students’ Reading Comprhension Skill through
Reciprocal Teaching Strategy

Last week i discuss about tittle, abstrac, and introduction for this time i will discuss about theoritical framework. In this part contains about what is reading comprehension, comprehension strategies, reciprocal teaching strategy, strategies in reciprocal teaching, teachers role in reciprocal teaching, procedure of using reciprocal teaching teaching strategy.
Part 4 : Theoritical Framework
·         Reading Comprehension
What is reading comprehension? According to Snow (2002) Reading comprehebsion is is the process of extracting and constructing meaning together through interaction and involvement with written language. The words extracting and constructing are used to emphasize both the importance and the insufficiency of the text as a determinant of reading comprehension. Reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning by coordinating a number of complex processes that includes word reading, word and world knowledge, and fluency.
·         Comprehension Strategies
Comprehension strategies can be taught in two ways, those are individually and in combination. Specific strategies that can be taught individually are strategies that are introduced individually by practicing it for some period of time.
·         Reciprocal Teaching Strategy
What is Reciprocal Teaching? According to Brown and Palincsar (1985, p. 2) reciprocal teaching is an instructional method in which an adult teacher and a group of students take turns leading a dialogue aimed at revealing the meaning of the text. In this strategy, the teacher describes all of the strategies in succession and then models each strategy in turn and explains why the strategy helps students understand the text (Shanahan et al., 2010, p. 14). Reciprocal teaching strategy has many advantages in teaching learning reading. Those are improving students’ ability in finding the important ideas, developing ideas and questions, and also in summarizing the information. Reciprocal teaching strategy can improve students reading comprehension as Palincsar and Brown (1984, p. 117) stated that, “Reciprocal teaching … led to sizable gains on criterion tests of comprehension, reliable maintenance over time, generalization to classroom comprehension tests, transfer to novel tasks that tapped the trained skills of summarizing, questioning, and clarifying, and improvement in standardized comprehension scores.”
·         Strategiesn in Reciprocal Teaching
There are four strategies used in reciprocal teaching as steps to get the meaning of the reading. These four activities provide a dual function, that of enhancing comprehension and at the same time affording an opportunity for the student to check whether it is occurring. That is, they can be both comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring activities if properly used (Palincsar and Brown, 1984, p. 121).
·         Teacher’s Role in Reciprocal Teaching
The teacher's role in practicing reciprocal teaching with the students is described by Brown and Palincsar (1985, p. 18). The teacher's role is to model the activities and to engage the students at a level judged to be within their grasp at any moment in time. As student masters one level of involvement, the teacher increases her demands so that the students are gradually called upon to adopt the expert role more fully and independently.
·         Procedure of Using Reciprocal Teaching Strategy
In order to implement teaching reading comprehension by using reciprocal teaching strategy in the classroom, there are several things to do as the procedure as stated by Palincsar (n.d., p. 6). First, the students will be divided into groups of four and be asked to pick one card given to the groups. Then, the tasks for each different card and how each task should be done (in sections or in each paragraph) will be explained. The procedure of this strategy emphasizes the form of dialogue or discussion about the text and that everyone takes a turn assuming the role of teacher in discussion.

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